Saturday, December 2, 2006

Internet Down

The internet has been down out here for the last two weeks. In that time we had a pretty decent Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings. Did quite a few calls and went out for a little shooting from time to time. It is starting to get quite cold out here, so much that they are talking of the possibility of snow this winter.

Lindsay left for combat training today to go straight from there to Iraq. This meant that Seth went with my folks up to Minnesota. It should be a drastic weather change leaving central Cali to go to the frozen iron range. I hope this finds you all well



Jerry Loss said...

I think Seth has enough Scandinavian blood in him to make it through the winters!

I ran into SSgt Lehto on the way back from the chow hall, here in Fallujah.

How are things up north?

RaeLynn said...

It is good to see you posting things again. It lets us know you are okay. Take care of yourself. Give my best to your family next time you talk to them.