Today we did a destruction of the grade 3 items from the ammunition supply point (ASP). It had a total Net Explosive Weight (NEW) of over 2600 pounds. We tried to make a EOD crab out of it but a piece of det cord didn't want to cooperate. Usually the Navy EOD tech responsible for this would owe beer but there is a little shortage around here. It was an otherwise slow day for calls which was good for those able to celebrate our 231st birthday.
Gotta love big demo shots. I would of shown the explosion but I am not computer savvy enough to pull it out of a video clip. Hope all are doing well.
God is it good to hear you are doing well. I was thrilled to see you were safe. Jer and I have both wondered how things were for you. Jaime told me you were over there and not in Fallujah. His first day back is tomorrow. Love you - please take care.
ahhh- I am jealous-
I love you and miss you
lidsay, hope you are doing well at home with Seth. Things in MN are going surpisingly okay. I will try and get your number from Jamie.
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